2009/3/19 Itamar Reis Peixoto <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br>
why not contribute with fedora and rpmfusion ?

Normal users find this complicated (linux fans are more competent than usual users)


the only reason to fedora doesn't have LTS is the man power.

2009/3/19 Adel ESSAFI <adelessafi@gmail.com>:
> Hi list
> I was using fedora and redhat since 2000. To day, I can see that our
> favorite distro is really very strong. However, I have done some experience
> (short) with Ubuntu and I have liked to LTS concept (Long Term support).
> My idea is to build a distribution that is based on Fedora at 100% with
> 1. LTS
> 2. with a very reduce number of packages
> 3. with proprietary codecs and essentiel software (mp3, flash ) included in.
> I know that the variety of the open source projects are making it's power.
> However, I aim to build a distribution with only one software from each
> catégory. That is, I have to choose between:
> *  KDE and GNOME for the destop
> * rhythembox , kaffeine, ....... as media player
> * abiword or openoffice as office writer
> .............................................
> Technically, I will maintain a repository  with a reduced number of
> packages.
> If I get positive feed back from this list, I can start working on this
> project in july
> This distribution will be very useful for starter!!
> Best regards
> Adel
> --
> http://ilovefedora.blogspot.com/
> --
> PhD candidate in Computer Science
> Address
> BP 108, Bureau de poste Tunis republique
> 1001 Tunis
> Tunisia
> tel: +216 97 246 706
> fax: +216 71 391 166

Itamar Reis Peixoto

e-mail/msn: itamar@ispbrasil.com.br
sip: itamar@ispbrasil.com.br
skype: itamarjp
icq: 81053601
+55 11 4063 5033
+55 34 3221 8599




PhD candidate in Computer Science
BP 108, Bureau de poste Tunis republique
1001 Tunis
tel: +216 97 246 706
fax: +216 71 391 166