On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 7:47 PM stan via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
rpm keeps track of low level details and is the authority for packages
on the system, dnf provides abstraction to make package handling easier
for the user (packagekit takes that abstraction even further). I would
not use rpm, except in an emergency, to install or remove a package, I
would use dnf.  It is safer.  But rpm is great for quick queries,
though I sometimes use dnf search depending on what I am looking for.

Any way to permanently stop a particular kernel version from being installed ?

Like this version 5.7 was causing problems, so any way I can stop this version from getting installed in future updates ?

Future versions of 5.7 will probably work fine and don't want to stop them from getting installed.

Any way this is possible ?

Sreyan Chakravarty