On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 11:51 AM, g <geleem@bellsouth.net> wrote:
such as, my self, i consider that you are of less experienced in
using an email client, such as, thunderbird, and posting to list
via gmail account.

*cough* *cough*

The above statement is both absurd and hillarious at the same time.

I for one use GMail for my email needs, and I'm as far from an e-mail noob as you can get (started with Delphi on-line service in the late 1980s, then moved to FidoNet style echomail boards, then moved to CompuServe, then to pop-3 email, then to IMAP, and now I use web based GMail almost exclusively.

GMail serves me (and I guess most other people) because:

1. It allows to access my account from anywhere (any machine on my LAN).
2. I don't have to deal with local email backups (yes, I'm putting a lot of faith in the cloud, albeit making a local backup is on my to-do list)
3. I don't have to delete e-mail (I'm a data hoarder, I have every e-mail received/sent from 2004 to this date, and it serves me well for research purposes, often more than not, the answer is already in my GMail account)
4. I pay Google for additional storage

Of course this isn't optimal, there are some downsides:
1. Gurgle has been fiddling with the user interface too much (if it ain't broke don't fix it, they' ve heard of it...)
2. The new GMail compose is awful (thank you Jason Cornwell) *NOT*
3. Luckily both points above can be fixed via the Firefox Stylish extension, and UAControl extension (to get the old compose).

But hey, that's me.

What I'm trying to say in a nutshell: please don't judge people based on the email provider they use.

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell