>> />/  Jul 19 07:35:26 knucklehead.xxxx.com kernel: device-mapper: table:
>> />/  253:4: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed
>> />/  Jul 19 07:35:26 knucklehead.xxxx.com kernel: device-mapper: ioctl:
>> />/  error adding target to table
>> /
>> It seems likely that this is what causes your problem.  When you google
>> for the error message, there are a lot of reports about it.  You could
>> look into them and try to figure out how to solve the issue --- someone
>> said old meta information caused it, someone else said removing a
>> package that provides dmraid fixed it for them ...
> Yea, I have been looking at those. I was hoping that between here and
> filing a bug
> I would get the best answer.

The dmraid package seems to be installed by default.  I'd try to remove
Tried it. No Joy !
Back to Google .
