On 16/11/2021 21:23, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

On 11/15/21 23:40, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 16/11/2021 10:26, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

Anyway, I have been digging around and have not found anyway to select other icons.  Pointers?

Applications--->Settings--->Appearance     (And there is an icon tab)

There it is!  Thanks Ed.

Looks like Adwaita "The Only One" is in force.  Yuck.

On my F32 I was using the Fedora "Fedora Icon Theme".  But that is not in the list of available icons.  Lots of Mint-Y.

Is there a "Fedora Icon Theme" for F35?  How do I find it.

I've not heard of the "Fedora Icon Theme".  I'm a KDE user and I never went searching for an alternative icon theme.

What you can do is "dnf list available | grep icon-theme" and install a few to see if one is to your liking.  FWIW, breeze and
oxygen seem to be popular.
Did 황준호 die?