> Welcome to Fedora!
> Login to the terminal as root.
> Run system-config-display --reconfig
> This should walk you through the display setup again.
> You may need the Nvidia drivers from Nvidia website for optimal graphics setup.


I have downloaded the nVidia drivers (as a file with the .run extension, i.e. NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run, from http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.12.html) and have put them on a CD. I can put them on an ext3 partition that I use as 'Data Storage' (done from the Parted Magic 3 Live Bootable CD, that has gparted also) or can also put them on a USB Disk.

How to proceed after that ? (I guess it will involve typing some commands from RL 3; but am unsure of the exact cmds to type & how to proceed thereafter. (I can get to the grub boot menu, but after that it's a no-show).



> Good Luck!
> Steve
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