It is more or less good sense that the success of Microsoft was mainly driven by hardware (x86).
I have worked on CAD for some time.
In the beginning the application that I used only worked on Unix workstations (running VMS, HP-UX, Solaris and IRIX).
The first version available for NT did not work natively, it required an X-server (Exceed from Hummingbird) and it supported all Open GL extensions.
The performance was amazing when compared with a Unix workstation that in those days costs at least 3 times more.
The X-server was able to handle very complex parts in real-time 3D rotations with a very cheap graphic card.
So, why 3D support in Linux is so messy.
SGI and other Unix vendors made extraordinary work in developing application and 3D support. Is this available for the community to work with?