On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:37 PM, Gary Stainburn <gary.stainburn@ringways.co.uk> wrote:
There are a number of utilities that will attempt this for you.
Google "undelete ext4 linux" assuming your filesystem is ext4.

Gary, thank you for the information. Installed testdisk and exundelete. In the process most likely substantially decreased any chance of recovering the files. Tried exundelete but couldn't get it to work. Will figure out how to use the programs just in case needed in the future.

Meanwhile, lost only few hours of work.

Anyhow, thanks for the support.

However, as your system is used the now unallocated space is being re-used
reducing any your chances of success.  Even installing an uninstall utility
will do this, as would switching to single user or shutting down.

Even if you do nothing, the services in the background will be updating the

On Tuesday 26 March 2013 11:23:29 Celik wrote:
> Hi,
> Had a logic error in my bash script and did "rm -rf *" on my current
> working directory. Any tips for undoing such an error?
> Regards,
> C

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages
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