On 18/6/20 10:35 pm, Neal Becker wrote:
Hi, I'm running F32 on a hi-dpi screen, with kde+wayland.

I find I get good results by going to font settings, and choosing Force dpi, and selecting 120 rather than the default 96.  This produces a warning that the recommended approach is to instead use scaling.  If I try scaling the results look awful, but force dpi seems fine.

Any thoughts?
With both Gnome and KDE, under both Wayland and Xorg, I accessed the settings app and used the scaling options to scale the font to 150%, as is done in Windows, so that text was readable on my 4K monitor. Using that scaling methodology I have found that the displays are fine.
The issue I have found is that Wayland seems to not be able to handle high resolution properly, in that when you scale a window above a certain size (I haven't yet been able to determine exactly where the threshold is) you start getting double images. The issue does not appear to happen under Xorg. The other thing I should point out with this is I am running F32 in a VM, and the double image issue happens in both Vmware Player and Virtualbox, plus it also happens in Wayland in Ubuntu and Magaiea, which are two other distros I've tried.


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