I was playing around with gnome-do today and I find it totally useless.

I tried is to look up totem.  So I entered totem in the search pane. The match it found was for a URL from my Firefox history:


Because the website contained the following text

Welcome to the March

The bold are the characters it matched.  This is not what I was looking for so I hit the down arrow key to display the list of matches.  It listed 135 matches, the first 134 where URLs from my Firefox history and the last match was the one I was looking for, the exact match for totem.

Am I doing something wrong or is this how gnome-do works?  If this is how it works it's useless I expect the exact match to be listed first.

What's also not clear to me is whether clicking on the select box for a plugin is the same as installing the plugin.  The documentation isn't very helpful.  I expected to see an install button or an enable button.

According to the Wiki it says if I want to send email to mom I type

mom <tab> email

Doing this results in gnome-do telling me no results for email

So does anybody have any pointers on how to set gnome-do up and actually use it?
