Hi. U can use iptables with TC to shape inbound and outbound traffic assimetricly. Take a look at lartc.com to see more details. It really works fine.


Cristiano Soares





De: fedora-list-bounces@redhat.com [mailto:fedora-list-bounces@redhat.com] Em nome de Gregory Machin
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2006 09:48
Para: fedora-list@redhat.com
Assunto: bandwith managment




Please could you advise..

How can i implament bandwith shaping of incoming and out going traffic on my internet connection....

I have 20 users using a 128Kb diginet line and need to also prevent users say one user hogging all the bandwidth ...

ie as users make connection the avalable bandwidth is autimaticly shared between them ....


Many Thanks
Gregory Machin