If you run on a snapshot-capable file system and have the snapshot pluign for yum you should have a way to revert.

I run on btrfs with said plugin. I crated my own cron job to remove all but the last 3 yum-created snapshots. I have never had to actually reboot from a snapshot, but it should be as easy as overriding the subvol parameter in grub and fstab.

You also get the ability to do a fresh install to a new subvol without repartitioning or touching your existing subvols.

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---- David Cary Hart skrev ----

I am having all sorts of ugly problems, particularly with T-Bird. Also
22 mounts my phone but refuses to mount my Kindle. KDE lost a bunch of
widgets including weather and ktorrent. 21 was more stable, possibly
faster. This is the first major upgrade problem I have had since FC9.

David C. Hart - South Beach
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