On 03/12/19 10:29, Bob Goodwin wrote:

On 03/12/19 08:52, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
What does:

ls -l '/run/media/bobg/IP CAM/Operation Manual/WIFI HD IP Camera Quick Guide.pdf'

show? How about "file <same thing>"?


I am slow responding, had a busy morning, appointment, done now ...
[root@Box10 Desktop]# ls -l '/run/media/bobg/IP CAM/Operation Manual/WIFI HD IP Camera Quick Guide.pdf'
-r--------. 1 bobg bobg 1972312 Nov 15  2017 '/run/media/bobg/IP CAM/Operation Manual/WIFI HD IP Camera Quick Guide.pdf'
OK, that led to the solution of my problem:

[root@Box10 Desktop]# cp '/run/media/bobg/IP CAM/Operation Manual/WIFI HD IP Camera Quick Guide.pdf' /mnt/testb/
to put it on the NFS server ...

Which put it where I want it so I can view it conveniently ...

[root@Box83 testb]# ll -al 'WIFI HD IP Camera Quick Guide.pdf'

I always have to get a display to accommodate my eyesight. In this case Evince, larger, white on a black bg.

Thank you for the help,


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box83  FEDORA-29/64bit LINUX XFCE Fastmail POP3