You might have to buy a cheap throw away card.    There are way too many people going after the "good" mining cards right now.

Is a basic card, it is $70+shipping  Verify that the 4k support is good enough for your monitor.  The refresh rate may not be good enough it claims to only do 30hz at full 4k on one of the ports

The important things on the above card to look for are nvidia 710/730 and GDDR5 that is I think the lowest card that does 4k but only at 30hz, and that card sucks for mining I believe so is still in stock.

And it only has 3 ports and one is a vga so 2 of the ports I believe do not support your monitors resolution but will do 1080.  It is not a great gaming card, but if not gaming and/or doing lots of 3d work it should be good enough.

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 7:14 AM Alex <> wrote:

> What kind of motherboard/system do you have and does it support more than PCI2.1?

It's the Asus Z370-A and appears to support PCIe 3.0

> Unless you are doing gaming and/or some other intensive video I am not sure how much of a video card you need.   I recently converted from multi-monitor to just a single giant 4k monitor and effectively have about the same area as 4 22" 1920x1080 monitors.

I just got the Samsung S34J550WQ 34" 3440x1440, but it appears my
current video card only supports 1920x1080, so I'd like to upgrade.

Does anyone have any idea how to purchase a video card during that
quick period when it's in stock? For example, I received an alert from
newegg about this video card, but apparently within ten minutes it was
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