The difference is simple: Anyone can give advice such as "write yourself a firewall and routing script" or "try it with webmin" - you can only hope he has access to those.

You "understood" he has a fully configured network and a server with at least two Ethernet Cards, able to do the forwarding/NAT. If any of those assumptions is wrong, he may end up with a misconfigured network and NO internet access. how cool.

so, I personally prefer asking, as this does not hurt or harm in any way. If you do not see it that way - my bad.


Paul Shaffer schrieb:
maybe I'm the only one who understood the question.  I thought he stated very simply and straightforward exactly what he needed:
"can u plz explain me how to share internet connection in fedora os"
The answer and pertinent pointers are pretty simple as well.  Sorry you don't get it. 

moi <> wrote:
If possible, could you just stop this useless commotion ?

Dear  Paul, the first answer stile "if you don´t really tell us WHAT you need, we cannot provide you any kind of solution" was and is perfectly acceptable.

If you would like discussing that matter on a personal level (yes, I often consider myself an imbecile and nevertheless managed to be an RHCE and work as a systems manager), please do so with just the specific persons involved - and not the whole mailing list.


Paul Shaffer schrieb:
Yes, thank you.  It would be preferred for you to keep the excrement "in" your ass.

Bill Davidsen <> wrote:
Paul Shaffer wrote:
> Azeez, what you need is not trite retorts from resident list imbeciles
> (see Bill's response below), but rather to employ an iptables firewall
> application/script. There are numerous available to meet any need from
> simple to enterprise-capable. Firestarter, Shorewall, and I believe
> there is a basic firewall configuration utility in the distro. The
> web-based firewall gui in Webmin provides a very simple rudimentary
> funtion for this. There are many others. Keywords: firewall, nat, masq.

Right, without knowing if he's asking how to plug two computers into a
switch, use Fedora as a firewall, run multiple virtual machines network
connected, or any of the other things you could mean by "share internet
connection in fedora." Instead of asking for clarification so I could
actually help with his problem I should have pulled an answer out of my
ass so I look smart?

Well I guess I should have, you sure did.

On TV game shows someone gives an answer and then the contestant has to
make up a matching question. On a mailing list the question comes first
and then you have to understand it and provide the matching answer.
> v/r
> Paul
> */Bill Davidsen /* wrote:
> azeez khan wrote:
> > hi
> > can u plz explain me how to share internet connection in fedora os
> >
> Share it with what?
> --
> Bill Davidsen
> "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
> the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot
> --
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Bill Davidsen
"We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot

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