On Sep 16, 2014 4:08 PM, <reg@dwf.com> wrote:
> I am trying to build gphoto2 for an old system (Fedora 11) where I store
> photos.
> (gphoto2 exists as part of the download in Fedora19)
> In any case, I do the configure/make/make install for both libgphto2 and
> gphoto2 with no problems, so it would seem that the loader at this point
> is seeing the library.
> But when I try to execute gphoto2, I get the message
> gphoto2: error while loading shared libraries: libgphoto2.so.6: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
> the library is in /usr/local/lib, so the directory IS being searched.
> I vaguely remember this problem from some years ago, but forget the solution.
> Anyone remember how to work around this?
> --
>                                         Reg.Clemens
>                                         reg@dwf.com
> --

Is there some aspect of the current, supported Fedora releases that makes them unsuitable for storing photos?
