> Sometimes the flash drive won't boot. If that happens, run 
> liveusb-creator again, and it will tell you a CLI switch to fix things. 
> Run it again, from a CLI with root access and that switch, and it 
> should work.

Aaaa, that happened to me. I was surprised why it didn't work...
Last time I installed from USB flash FC13 in my cluster and it
was w/o any problems. But not so with FC18.. :(

Thank you so much. :)

---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Joe Zeff <joe@zeff.us>
Datum: 19. 5. 2013
Předmět: Re: Bootable distro on Flash - Howto?

On 05/18/2013 07:46 PM, j.halifax2@seznam.cz wrote:
> > You can also use the liveusb-creator..
> OK, I'll try. It's hopeful if you succeeded that way. :)
> Thanx.. ;)

Sometimes the flash drive won't boot. If that happens, run
liveusb-creator again, and it will tell you a CLI switch to fix things.
Run it again, from a CLI with root access and that switch, and it
should work. I know, because I had to do that, but it's been long
enough that I don't remember the details.
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