On Oct 14, 2023, at 14:06, John Pilkington <johnpilk222@gmail.com> wrote:

I have done several system upgrades in the past.  This time I thought I would take the suggested precautions and download the workstation .iso

On trying to verify the download, using


I got a report that "17 lines are improperly formatted".  So I worried and did it again.  Same result.

This is BZ 733561, opened in 2011 and NOTABUG.  Isn't it time that this was mentioned in the 'helpful' warning suggestion?

I agree that the wording in the instructions could be better.

The CHECKSUM file has a GPG signature and the sha256sum of ISO, so the sha256sum command will give a warning that there are improperly formatted lines (the GPG signature). But, as the instructions say: “If the output states that the file is valid, then it's ready to use!”

It would be nice if there was a way to make sha256sum ignore the GPG key, but you should:

1.) make sure the GPG signature is valid.
2.) look to see if it says the file you downloaded is OK and ignore the warning about improperly formatted lines, since you know from the previous step that those lines are ok.

Jonathan Billings