On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 13:11 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
Ric Moore wrote:

> I wuz trying to teach my 75 year old Uncle how EASY it was to just
> intuit stuff as you go. Showing him firefox and how to google, I wanted
> him to enter the google search box and click to focus. OK, move up the
> page with the pointer... he lifts the mouse straight up off of the mouse
> pad. <sigh> 
> Some fail to teach correctly, Some never get it. I tend to take the
> blame on this one, but I didn't anticipate THAT move!! <cackles> Ric

He'd probably really enjoy playing games on the Nintendo wii.  I wonder 
how that motion-sensor controller would work as a mouse?

Now there's a linux application, a 3d mouse.  Can we get it to do feedback, too?

Les H