On 30/07/13 12:41, Steven Stern wrote:
> If you're using the repo from virtualbox.org*, type
>     sudo /sbin/service vboxdrv setup
> It will use DKMS to remove the virtual box drivers, recompile them for
> the new kernel, and install them into the active kernel modules.
> * This may apply to the Fedora repos but I'm not sure. I'm using the one
> from virtualbox.org. Seehttps://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads
> and scroll down to RPM-based Linux distributions

This is a yum install but I will look into that.


If you have DKMS installed it will automatically update the modules when a new kernel
in installed. Works great for me.

From the doc referenced above.

Note: Users of Fedora/Mandriva might want to install the dkms package (not available on openSUSE) to ensure that the VirtualBox host kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp) are properly updated if the linux kernel version changes during the next kernel update.
