
Just wanted to get some input/opinions...

Project I'm working on, will have a bunch of worker VMs created, and the vm will attach to the masterNFS on the masterVM..

However, in the masterVM, the process will have to update the /etc/export file, to allow the newly created child/workerVM to access/connect to the nfsShare/dir.
The /etc/export file is owned by 'root'. In order to update the file, I was considering modifying the perms to allow a script to access/modify the file, with the script being run as a separate user..

although... guess for the test.. i could just have

# vi /etc/exports

/nfsshare *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

  which should just make the dir open to all clients that want to access it.

This would allow all clients to map/access the share, but since the app is run on a dynamic time frame.. IE, I run it.. it spins up everything.. runs, then shuts down...  might work.

