On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Ed Greshko <ed.greshko@greshko.com> wrote:
On 04/20/14 10:51, Sudhir Khanger wrote:
> I am having a really terrible experience with Fedora 20 KDE on Thinkpad 420i.
> I installed Fedora 20 KDE on Thinkpad 420i, upgraded it to the latest and system freezes at the login screen. System temperature goes over limit either burning the system or shutting it down. Load average goes as high as 10. Fedora 20 is shipped with kernel 3.11.10 and I can confirm that I faced the problem on 3.13.8, 3.13.9 and 3.13.10 is a hit and miss.
> I have filed a bug but it hasn't cracked a noise at Redhat Bugzilla. No response either from KDE Mailing list here and this is my last resort before I might have to forcibly switch to a more stable distro like Kubuntu (and that would be really sad).

To say you've not gotten any response on the KDE mailing list is incorrect.  You did get some input from Dhaval Anjaria.

You indicate you see a load average of 10?  And in "top" is there a process taking the CPU?

Also, have you tried to boot to level 3?

FWIW, sometimes the best way to get people to ignore your plight is to threaten to flee to another distribution.  :-)

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Although I appreciate Dhaval commenting but response sounded like off-topic.

If I were to see any process eating CPU would have solved the problem but as far as I can see there are no obvious indicators of the problem.

When I boot into command line (by disabling display manager) it seems to work fine. KDE with kernel 3.11.10 works fine. And kernel 3.13.8 and 9 won't boot at all but kernel 3.13.10 might boot from time to time.

Fleeing to another distribution is a sign of uber desperation and not threat as you say. It's morning here and I am troubleshooting my system instead of getting my work down.

Sudhir Khanger.