On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 10:22 AM, Junk <junk@therobinsonfamily.net> wrote:
On Sat, 2013-02-02 at 08:48 +0100, Raf Roger wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm trying to install msxml6 and dotnet35 as 64bits package under
> winehd, but for an unknow reason (at least from me) it seems wine
> always requests and accepts only 32bits packages.
> why ? my fedora 18 installation is a 64bits OS, so where is the
> problem ?
> what should i test now ?
> thx
> --
> Alain

Wine uses a couple of variables to help it know whats it's doing,
WINEARCH and WINEPREFIX. WINEARCH sets the arch to 32 or 64 bits, I
think it defaults to 32, Try setting
export WINEARCH='win64;
export WINEPREFIX='~/test64'

run winecfg and try the to install the packages in the new prefix it has

you will need to set the variables every time you want to use the 64 bit
arch programs


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Thanks for the info...last time i used wine was a decade ago :(
so by default wine is in 32bits mode. Why in this case it does not work in a 64bits OS fedora as 32bits application ?
i can understand that a 64bits applications can't work under a 32bits OS but the reverse should be ok.

so why is wine asking some application/dll (like msxml6 and dotnet35) in 32bits and when it tries to install it does not work and in fact needs to have 64bits version od those dll/app ?

Windows 7 x64 / Fedora 18 x64
MySQL 5.6.x
Apache 2.4.3 / OpenSSL 1.0.1c
Tomcat 7.17
PHP 5.4.8