
Have you read https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/blob/53fdbf714a80a2a19b6902122f85550feced7771/Casks/java.rb#L5-L8 ?

You can just use curl:

curl -L 'https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u181-b13/96a7b8442fe848ef90c96a2fad6ed6d1/jre-8u181-windows-i586.exe' \
--cookie oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie \
-O /tmp/jre-8u181-windows-i586.exe

to download jre directly.

On 8/20/18 06:57, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Hi All,

If you guys would permit an Off Topic question, I know there
is a lot of intellectual property on this site that may
know the answer.

With "curl", I want to download


and the x64 windows and x64 Linux versions too



According to Firefox's cliget, the address is:


But how do I get the "AuthParam"?

I am stumped?

Many thanks,
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