2016-02-21 17:32 GMT+01:00 Heinz Diehl <htd+ml@fritha.org>:
1. Grab recent -stable from kernel.org and unpack it into /usr/src
2. Take a look into /boot and grab the config of your recent Fedora
kernel. Example: config-4.2.5-300.fc23.x86_64
3. Rename this file to ".config" and copy it into the root directory
of your unpacked source
4. Change into the source root directory
5. Do a "make oldconfig". If your new kernel is newer that your recent
Fedora one, you'll have to answer some new question on the
configuration of your new kernel. If you have no clue what to answer,
a "no" for alle of the questions will do it in 95% of the cases.
6. Continue with "nice -n 19 make -j x", where x is the number of your cpus
7. "make modules_install"
8. "make install"
9. Reboot, you're done.

Failing at step 7 :
Error seems to be related to ssl, maybe a certificate creation for the kernel that fails?

ps : Fixed the HUNK failed by adding the line directly into the quirks.c file