On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Steven Stern <subscribed-lists@sterndata.com> wrote:
On 10/10/2012 07:01 AM, Temlakos wrote:
 // snip
> I'm looking forward to an official Google Chrome package for Fedora. All
> I knew is that the Chrome pack I got was the worst-behaved application I
> ever tried to work with. But that was when I was still slogging with F14
> long past its EOL
> Will you provide Google Chrome for x86_64? I have found that x86_64 is
> the best way I know to keep this Pentium Dual Core machine running at a
> reasonable speed.
> Temlakos

I've been running Chrome from the official Google repo for a long time
now. It's stable, updated frequently, and worked on my prior 32 bit
system as well as my new 64 bit one.

Installing the rpm from http://google.com/chrome installs the necessary
.repo files to keep Chrome up to date.

Thx Steve, I'm bookmarking this repo.

Regardless of others experience, I did an update on a Monday of both my home & office
fedora 16 workstations. each location had a FF usage interruption the following morning; both
stations, 2 days running, never before, never since.

to me, an app is crashed when its current display is not responsive to
mouse or kybd control.

that is too much coincidence, must be some problem, but its fine since.

Thx again to those on this list providing input,
have a great  Hump Day(National Mental Health day)! 

-- Steve
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