On 3/10/23 01:25, Peter Boy wrote:

Am 10.03.2023 um 07:00 schrieb Robert McBroom via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>:

On 3/10/23 00:41, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 12:36 AM Robert McBroom via users
<users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Installed CentOS-STREAM 8 ON A QEMU/KVM virtual machine. Initially the
reboot went only to a blank display. Editing the grub menu to give a
terminal boot was successful.

Succeeded  to get a graphical screen with xinit and a terminal to
explore the options. Was able to install xfce for a graphical desktop
but gnome fails. The display managers gdm and sddm both fail with a
blank screen with the mouse cursor. The others lxdm and lighdm don't
show as being available.

How do I get the session to start properly?
I do not see a problem with Fedora 37. The guest seems to run Ok.
Perhaps a CentOS forum would be a better place for the question?

Or, install Fedora Server and stop putzing around with the antique
software RHEL and CentOS provides.

My apologies if I mis-parsed something.

Fedora 37 is the host
Which Fedora variant?
I use server because it allows more freedom.

I just installed CentOS Stream cloud following the Fedora Server documentation (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-server/virtualization/vm-install-cloudimg-centos9/) and it works seamlessly. 
Works for me also but I need CentOS 8 to run some legacy $$$ software.

What did you do exactly?

From virt-manager-> New virtual machine ->attached host ~/Downloads/CentOS-Stream-8-x86_64-latest-dvd1.iso->booted install

switched boot to VirtIO Disk and rebooted to blank screen. Initially the network was set to bridge which did not connect. Changed to virtual network and from a terminal boot updated CentOS 8. Added xinit and xterm and was able to install xfce4, switchdesk. Desktop now starts from a terminal boot with startx.

Your description is typical of a mismatched console configuration between virtual machine properties and guest OS configuration and independent of Fedora or any specific Fedora release. 

Compared the CentOS 8 machine to the CentOS 9 machine. CentOS 8 uses 'Video Virtio' and 'Display Spice'. CentOS 9 uses 'Video VGA' and 'Display VNC'. Tried changes to the CentOS 8 machine to the same but get an error about an "unsupported configuration: 'spicevmc' not supported without spice graphics". Compared the --qemu/centos8.xml file with the --qemu/centos9.xml file. Understand some of the differences but not all.