Ty for reply,

but i dont need the system /sbin/init
i need the source code of /sbin/init from initrd.img
if you unpack the initrd.img from Fedora 8 CD-ROM
you will find a binary called init, what is a sym link from /sbin/init
from initrd.img.

but i already find what i need
on fedora 8 anaconda installer create this init from your compilation,
and when you install anaconda on the CD he copy you initrd to /cdrom/isolinux/initrd.img
so now i can do what i want.

But ty all for reply!

2010/7/10 JD <jd1008@gmail.com>
 On 07/10/2010 06:43 AM, Emilio Fernandes wrote:
> Hi all,
> where can i get the source code of /sbin/initrd from fedora 11?
I am on F13, but the command should be the same in F11.
On F13, there is not /sbin/initrd, but I will use /sbin/init as an example:

$ rpm -q --whatprovides /sbin/init

Now, if you want the source, go either to:




and you will find the name of the package there


Emilio Seidel Fernandes
Tec. Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Distribuídos - UTFPR Curitiba