Hello All:
I just did a Fedora12 Desktop Edition installation to hard drive and an update. This went smoothly, but I had some errors immediately afterwards.

During the installation I don't recall being prompted for network configuration. On initial boot, I did the normal configuration such as time zone and LDAP server setup. Initial login went fine. Because this is a virtual machine and accessible only via the network, I went ahead and changed the eth0 configuration to a static IP address via the system-config-network utility.

That's where the problem started.

After rebooting after updating all packages, I could not login. The system was attempting to authenticate via the LDAP server but when switching from DHCP to static it apparently also sets the onboot flag to no in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file.  Logins, whether local root or an LDAP user, would take about a minute to timeout before returning to the login prompt.

To compound the issue, the grub timeout was set to 0 so that I couldn't even access the grub menu to change the runlevel. I ended up booting the CD image just to be able to set the NIC to start on boot. (Afterwards I learned about the SHIFT key override from the "increasing grub timeout?" thread elsewhere).

No harm done, but I am curious as to the rationale for the interface not being enabled after reconfiguration from DHCP to static. Did I miss something in the configuration that would enable it?