I have been watching Wayland with interest since it's beginning.  There is still one thing which prevents me from switching.  I need to attend remote meetings, using teams, zoom, etc.  I always prefer to use the web interfaces for those, through chrome (firefox won't work on teams).  If I use wayland and I try to share a window, only some windows are available to share - presumably the native X11 ones are not available choices.  Until this is resolved it's X11 for me.

On Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 4:40 PM Slade Watkins via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 10/28/22 2:51 AM, Mike Wright wrote:
> I just found the best explanation of the linux graphics system ever.  It
> covers the history of Xorg, X11, and Wayland, and explains why Wayland
> is the future.  Ironically, the future is always in the future...
> As informative as they come.

Will definitely have to check it out at some point! Thanks for sharing.

I still use X11, even though both the distros I use (Fedora and Pop!_OS)
have support for it. I am just ancient and set in my ways, haha.

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