
I bout a new computer (Hewett Packard pavilion 500), but I have problems with this computer when I try to install Fedora.

The first problem come with the HD: in this computer is mounted only one HD with1TB of capacity, and it is not possible to mount another HD (there is not the physical space to put another HD inside).
I asked at HP support, and I got the answer that it is not possible to add other hard driver in this computer (???).
I am not sure if 1 TB is enough for use Windows and Fedora.

I encountered a problem also trying to run on this computer the SystemRescueCd .... I chose the graphical environment in the menu of this program, but, after the program started, it didn't run correctly- it stopped before showing the graphical interface...

I don't know what it can be, that a good computer (HP) doesn't allow to run open source programs ????

Some one have the same experience as me ???

Thank you

