Cool!....Iwill! have so much knowledge about this stuff...and you claim to do this for fun!!???

On Aug 1, 2012 7:15 AM, "Ed Greshko" <> wrote:
"" <> wrote:

>Well I'm ALMOST sure my acct is root....I don't remember creating a
>different username/acct when I first installed Fedora. And when I
>install software and I get prompted for a password....the same one that
>logs me in also gets me past authentication.....bit there have been
>times when I'm in terminal....where I'm not permitted to do
>something...and the response I get is the system telling me that I need
>to "be" I can I be a root acct when I have no

Oh....that sounds different from what I thought you did.  What you *probably* did was to check the box on the create user which places the account in the wheel group.  In that case try "sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/whatever"

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