Hello everyone, I'm facing a weird problem. I've recently rented a PC - ASUS G21CX, which comes with 2 disks:
Obviously it arrived with Windows 10 installed and want to install Fedora on it, however Fedora Live image does not recognize NVME drive, like it's not even there. HDD is available as /dev/sda as expected.
dmesg and journalctl does not show any errors except some usb-related failures, but I don't think it's related in any way.

 Windows and BIOS both recognize the disk. I've disabled the Secure Boot feature but that had no effect.

 I've tried both Workstation image and KDE image (which I intent to use). I was hoping to see something else on other distros, but no other live image managed to boot on this machine. I've tried Ubunut 20.04 LTS, Manjaro KDE, PopOS with nVidia drivers all are getting stuck at boot.

The rest of the hardware:
BIOS settings are almost as limited as a laptop, but nothing unusual from what I can tell.

Do you have any pointers or ideas what could it be and how to fix it?
Best regards, Alex