How to do this with VirtualBox?

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Mike Burger <> wrote:
Paul W. Frields wrote:
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:51:53PM +0100, Joachim Backes wrote:
G'day all,

I have two partitions in my PC. I have installed F10 on one partition  and Windows XP on the second partition. Now, can I run the XP as guest  OS on F10 using VM? and how?
Did you try VirtualBox?

VirtualBox isn't part of Fedora, and it's not required to do what the
OP's asking about.  The virtualization that comes with Fedora works
just fine.
That being said, and the fact that the OP wasn't specific about which VM system he wanted to use, if a specific one was in mind, VirtualBox works wonderfully, so far, in my limited use, if he's interested in that option.

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