On 11/19/2010 04:45 PM, Jim wrote:
On 11/19/2010 04:21 PM, Jim wrote:
On 11/19/2010 02:27 PM, Konstantin Svist wrote:
On 11/19/2010 09:02 AM, Jim wrote:
Fedora 13

Trying to make Directory cpu in /sys/fs/cgroup as SU as per this below Website states
And it keeps saying,  "No such file or directory"

/sys/fs/cgroup does exist.

# cd /sys/fs/cgroup/
[root@Bigone cgroup]# ls -al
total 0

drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 0 Nov 19 11:26 .
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 0 Nov 14 12:11 ..

So the command below won't work

mount -t cgroup cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu -o cpu
mkdir -m 0777 /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/user


Try this one, instead (mostly from http://lkml.org/lkml/2010/11/16/413)

add to .bashrc:
if [ "$PS1" ] ; then
        mkdir -m 0700 -p /cgroup/cpu/user/$$
        echo 1 > /cgroup/cpu/user/$$/notify_on_release
        echo $$ > /cgroup/cpu/user/$$/tasks

create /bin/rmcgroup:
rmdir /cgroup/cpu/$1

add to /etc/rc.local:
mount -t cgroup -o cpu none /cgroup/cpu
mkdir -p -m 0777 /cgroup/cpu/user
echo "/bin/rmcgroup" > /cgroup/cpu/release_agent

Fedora 14

I made these changes as shown above and restarted computer and had no error messages pop up.

Checked /var/log/messages and found no error evolving reading of rc.local , if it did ?

Well guys I took it for a spin and things seem to be faster.

When opening /usr/lib in Konqueror or Dolphin it is much faster.

Anyone got ideals on checking the speed to see if it is faster ?

I hate to have to tell you guys this , but !!!

My EEEpc playing justintv video is much better, the hesitation is so slight.
Playing the "Transformers", I just can't get over it.

I put this fix on a FC13 PC and My FC14 EEEpc  and I'm impressed.

Again this is the modifications I used:

Try this one, instead (mostly from http://lkml.org/lkml/2010/11/16/413)

add to .bashrc:
if [ "$PS1" ] ; then
        mkdir -m 0700 -p /cgroup/cpu/user/$$
        echo 1 > /cgroup/cpu/user/$$/notify_on_release
        echo $$ > /cgroup/cpu/user/$$/tasks

create /bin/rmcgroup:
rmdir /cgroup/cpu/$1

add to /etc/rc.local:
mount -t cgroup -o cpu none /cgroup/cpu
mkdir -p -m 0777 /cgroup/cpu/user
echo "/bin/rmcgroup" > /cgroup/cpu/release_agent