Just to add that laptop has iwl3945 wireless card; iwl3945 module has had since 29 Apr hardware scanning disabled due to Microcode SW errors; software scanning turns the connection into a patience tester. That didn't help the review, certainly. All network related issues may have been caused by it, since TCP connections do seem to hang randomly with software scanning on that card.

I've been doing some experiments trying to fix the Microcode SW errors which so far point that the card is unable to use these frequencies when scanning passively [the kind of hardware scan which triggers the error]
(5250.000 - 5330.000 @ 40.000), (N/A, 20.00)
(5490.000 - 5710.000 @ 40.000), (N/A, 27.00)

Anyway, tough luck, the guy used an unsupported (by Intel) wireless card which probably borked lots of things in the test (since the problem is in the closed-binary-firmware, it's impossible to fix, only to workaround at driver level).

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:57 AM, JB <jb.1234abcd@gmail.com> wrote:
After RH and Fedora statistics, some more results:


The purpose of a distro project is to deliver a product (not to maintain a test
system OS), with implied quality, and for a user.

It is time to blink.


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