On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 10:04 AM, John Pilkington <J.Pilk@tesco.net> wrote:
On 22/07/13 13:44, Richard Shaw wrote:
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Rahul Sundaram <metherid@gmail.com
<mailto:metherid@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Have you filed a bug report?

Not yet, but I will after things are discussed here... I was hoping
someone who knows about fedup would chime in. Am I right in assuming
that repository packages that are considered "local" are not copied into


Richard: I don't fit into your hoped-for category of knowledgeable responders, but I'm not clear what is happening.

Do the packages in your local f18 repo also exist in external f18 repos that you also have enabled?  If not, are you requiring fedup to identify the corresponding f19 packages without further help?

I keep two local (via nfs) repositories. One is just all the packages from the install dvd to save bandwidth (called local-install, which I have setup for F17, 18, and 19), the other repo is for more experimental packages or updates (called local) I want to test before building them for Fedora (I'm a Fedora and RPM Fusion packager). In the latter repo there is a few libraries but mostly end user applications and none of them are critical to basic functionality, so the packages in my local repo were not updated, it shouldn't cause too much of a problem.

I pretty much had the same experience with two computers trying fedup from 17 to 18 (basically, it couldn't find all the upgrade packages, but tried to upgrade anyway) which is why I'm wondering if it doesn't copy in packages that it thinks are local. 

I just tried running fedup on my desktop (not the actual reboot/upgrade part, just the first part) to test this hypothesis and counted the packages:

$ ls /var/lib/fedora-upgrade/ | wc -l

None of which are symbolic links. Now I assume that many packages my not need to be upgraded but this seems strange:

$ rpm -qa | wc -l

So less than half of the packages will be updated... Something just seems wrong about that.

This time I tried running "fedup --network 19 -v --disablerepo local\*"

and it's downloading an additional 1350 packages, so it appears my hypothesis has some merit.
