
It appears to be this bug:

There are patches in the pipeline for LibreOffice 6.4.x or 6.5.x and some suggested workarounds, depending on your configuration.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 9:57 PM Robert Moskowitz <> wrote:
Found that if I hold down alt key and left mouse button I can use mouse
ball to move the dialog up so I can get to the OK.

But this is not a solution to a dialog too big for its britches.

On 5/6/20 9:53 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> F30 with Xfce
> Screen size 1280 x 768
> The dialog goes from just below the top panel to below the bottom of
> the screen so the print button is lost.
> I cannot resize this dialog.  It is locked.  I cannot get it to move
> up the screen (releases ago I had a similar problem and there was some
> magic key combination to make this possible?)
> There are only 2 tabs on the top of the dialog for General and
> LibreOffice Writer.  Back in F30 there were 4 tabs and the dialog box
> was much shorter.
> I cannot find any way to configure this dialog nor move it around.
> And I need to print something...
> Help?
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Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC