> No, but there's a better way! All of our spec files are available in git,
> and the "fedpkg" command is a nice wrapper around access to the repository.

It sounds amazing. It's a nice trick!

> So:
> $ sudo yum install fedpkg
> [...]
> $ fedpkg clone firefox
> Cloning into 'firefox'...
> remote: Counting objects: 3234, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1979/1979), done.
> remote: Total 3234 (delta 1702), reused 2424 (delta 1210)
> Receiving objects: 100% (3234/3234), 741.50 KiB | 313 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (1702/1702), done.
> $ cd firefox/
> $ ls
> firefox.1 firefox-mozconfig-branded
> firefox-15.0-enable-addons.patch firefox-mozconfig-debuginfo
> firefox-5.0-asciidel.patch firefox-redhat-default-prefs.js
> firefox.desktop firefox.sh.in
> firefox-duckduckgo.patch firefox.spec
> firefox-install-dir.patch sources
> firefox-mozconfig
> So you get the spec file and all of the patches. The "sources" file contains
> the checksums of the source files in the buildsystem's cache, and if you
> decide you want those too, you can pull them down with `fedpkg sources`.
> I find this much more convenient than simply downloading the spec files
> individually anyway, and usually better than source RPMs, as you get all of
> the branches for different Fedora releases (try `fedpkg switch-branch`) and
> can do all of the normal git version control things to see, for example,
> what has changed.
> --
> Matthew Miller CloudCloudCloud Fedora Cloud Architect CloudCloudCloud <mattdm@fedoraproject.org>


Best Wishes,
