On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Christopher Svanefalk <christopher.svanefalk@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Ed Gurski <ed@gurski.com> wrote:

> Not to worry.  Just as soon as you stop talking about me, I'll
> disappear.  If you want to refer to someone by their last name, it is
> customary to use the appropriate honorific, the last name by itself
> being taken as rude.  In my case, the appropriate honorific would be
> Dr.  So address me or refer to me as Robert or Dr. Myers, not Myers or
> Mr. Myers.  That people on this list would talk about manners almost
> makes my heart stop.
> If you don't know how to use the reflexive properly ("someone like
> myself" is incorrect usage in multiple ways), avoid it.  Otherwise,
> you might sound like Marilyn Monroe referring to "a nice girl like I,"
> which is what you do sound like.
> Finally, if you don't want to read what I say, don't read it.  Just
> stop talking about it.
> Robert Myers.

Heil Doctor Art Brush -- That's what you used to be known as. Doctor of
WHAT? Time has not changed you in the least! You're still as arrogant as
you've always been --- bullying your way around and then whinnying that
people have no respect and are Luddites...

You must be a very lonely man without friends and in 20 years you'll be
an old decrepit man watching the paint dry!!

Just leave us all alone -- we know all about you now so LEAVE!!!


Ed Gurski
Registered Linux User 458454

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I think people just seriously have to chill out in this thread, what is with all the ill wishes and bitterness? If you think someone is being intentionally inflammatory, then do not fuel the fire by responding. This thread and its originator are both out of place and needless.


Christopher Svanefalk

By originator I mean the thread that spawned this one, not the original poster.


Christopher Svanefalk