> Can anyone help me understand whether VDPAU is even supported on my
> hardware/kernel/driver combination, and if so, what I need to do to get it
> to work?

I don't know about that, but I do know that on F24 the nouveau
driver would freeze up solid as a rock once every few days
with my 750 Ti card, so I gave up and installed the nvidia
binary drivers from rpmfusion, which have not frozen up once.

I used the NVidia drivers for a few months, but upon every reboot I'd get the "oh no! something has gone wrong" message:



Rebooting into single user and re-doing the install process for the video drivers would work, but it was a real pain to do that every time (the power in our neighborhood is ... finicky, so reboots are sadly a frequent-ish occurrence).

I finally got tired of doing that on every reboot and decided to switch over to Nouveau, but if Nouveau can't do things like hardware acceleration on a two year-old card then I might have to switch back to the NVidia drivers.

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