On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Alex <mysqlstudent@gmail.com> wrote:

I started an upgrade from fc13 x86_64 to fc14 x86_64, and the computer
locked up during the install. I thought the problem with the PC was
that it was locking up due to insufficient memory. I've added more
memory, but now the upgrade won't complete.

When rebooting to the fc14 upgrade kernel, it says it can't find the
install image, so I booted into the fc13 kernel, and started the yum
upgrade method. During that process, it fails with the following:

--> Processing Dependency: /usr/bin/update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders for
package: libwmf-
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Skip-broken could not solve problems
Error: Package: libwmf- (@updates/13)
          Requires: /usr/bin/update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders
          Removing: gtk2-2.20.1-1.fc13.i686 (@fedora/13)
              Not found
          Updated By: gtk2-2.22.0-1.fc14.1.i686 (fedora)
              Not found
** Found 267 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:
GraphicsMagick-1.3.12-2.fc14.x86_64 is a duplicate with

followed by hundreds of other duplicates...

The command I ran was:

# yum --releasever=14 distro-sync --skip-broken

I've tried clearing the yum cache, various package-cleanup options,
and it still fails. Running "package-cleanup --cleandupes", but it

Error: Trying to remove "yum", which is protected
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem

I think it basically tries to remove every package on the system,
because it lists thousands of packages.

I also tried to install from a local DVD, but it fails with a "debug"
"save" "exit" error that it can't install some package, I think.
Perhaps the same one as shown above.

How can I pick up where it left off, or delete what's been done
already, or restart and force the install of fc14 packages that are
already installed?


Back up your important files to an external device. Burn a CD or DVD and install from it.