oh. ps.

the issue seems to happen with "live" streaming.. i can stream stuff that's coming from a file server.. ie canned vids/shows/etc.. but something like a sports event that's happening.. that's choppy

if i reboot, the issue appears to be resolved.


On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 8:17 PM, Sylvia Sánchez <lailahfsf@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Bruce! 

Are you sure isn't a connection issue? It happens to me when isn't very good. 
Besides, does it happens with all sites or just some? 


PS :  did you considered to download them instead of watching online? 

On Friday, 25 March 2016, bruce <badouglas@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey guys.

There's a pusleaudio thread, I didn't want to step on.

I've got a system, and for some reason, I'm getting choppy audio when running opera/chrome. I've gone into chrome, and I have enabled/disabled the soundflash plugins.. I see 2 in the chrome:plugins for the chrome browser.

I'm trying to find a soln short of rebooting. Any pointers would be useful..

I've seen this behaviour from a number other people on diff sites.

And yeah, I know this isn't technically a fed issue!!

Thanks in advance for any pointers you might provide on this.

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