with all due respect, you're full of it.  it's well-established
history that, when someone top posts, they're normally reminded quite
politely that that's kind of frowned upon and would they please not do
that.  most of the time, the reaction is, "oh, i'm sorry, i won't do
it again," at which point life goes on and we all get back to work,
fine-tuning our plans for world domination.

occasionally (and sadly), one encounters a complete butthead whose
attitude is, "yeah, well i *like* top-posting and that's how i'm gonna
do it and the rest of you can just live with it, so there!!"  *those*
are the people who get roasted, so you can drop that sanctimonious
attitude of yours, norm.

I think you are right here, for me i am used to Top Post, so i can easily read a TOP POSTED email thread, or the other way. But here i repeat i agree with you, if the fashion way is not to TOP POST and the most of readers like that way and "you/me/he/she" become a member of this GREAT club of people who likes to help each others, the least one can do is to follow the guidelines of the "club".
That is democracy and it is the best way of living (even in the ciberspace) :) ...
If one think sometime could be good to TOP POST i think could be ok. in some special times.
For instance, once a problem is solved the original poster could maybe reply (TOP POSTING) with a "Thanks all of you people for helping me" :).
But maybe all the other times it is not difficult to follow the guidelines.
Me myself uses Thunderbird under LInux and it is by default configured to reply at the bottom I had to reconfigure it to TOP POST in order to follow the guidelines of all the people i work with, who are used to OUTLOOK :)
But it is not difficult to change my behaivor here in the list just to have everybody happy and willing to help me with my problems (For free in their precious time!!!)

p.s.  and did i mention that you should trim your quotes, too?  :-)

Yes this is really important, other way the mail keep growing and growing till the infinite!


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