Thanks for your response.

That makes sense. I kinda figured that but did not know.

Tuesday can't come fast enough.


On 05/27/2012 11:03 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 27.05.2012 17:00, schrieb NRL:
I'm going to do a clean install of F17 and was wondering about the new file system. I'm installing it onto a new
hard drive. Since I'm doing a clean install is there a way to not install or remove the Symlinks in the new /
directory layout?

I see no need to have them
remove them and you will see with broken system and software all over the place
there are thousands of scriipts starting with "#!/bin/basg" as one example

Will F17 run without them? 
no and even if you will not be able to run
third party sofwtare for many years without them