On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Tim <ignored_mailbox@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
To see messages in their properly threaded order, one needs to use a
mail client that isn't broken in that regard (Evolution, Thunderbird,
and many others work), and pick the option that threads messages in the
message list window.

I agree with all of this, however note that for threading to work properly *all* contributors to a thread should use properly threading MUAs. Unfortunately on this list (I don't mean on this specific thread) there seems to be a small number of people who are unable to grasp this. Thus one occasionally sees posts that are semantically part of a single thread but in fact appear in multiple threads from the point of view of even correctly configured readers. Nothing much to be done about it really, other than reminding them from time to time.
