On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 at 01:55, Ranjan Maitra <maitra@email.com> wrote:
I have been lost for the past day and I need some help.
There are 7 android devices and a linux mint laptop that effortlessly connect to a linkhub (Alcatel HH41NH). There is no limit to the number of devices that the linkhub can connect to.

Is the MAC filter enabled on your linkhub?    Are the Fedora systems using MAC address randomization?  Does the linkhub have a hidden SSID?
However, two Fedora laptops each running F30 and F31 are not able to connect. Both laptops are updated to the latest as of Tuesday December 31, 2019.
We have tried all sorts of things but can not connect. dmesg seems to indicate that a connection is established but the log messages seem to indicate otherwise.
Does anyone have any suggestions? We are a little lost. I am including the relevant dmesg, log messages and journatctl output. Happy to provide information as needed.

NetworkManager has become quite complex, and sometimes makes bad decisions.   You can sometimes force a connection using nmcli, which may provide an indication of the underlying cause of your problem.

Look for similar reports in https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/issues

George N. White III