From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 4:09 PM
Subject: Building a 1pb volume



I'm looking to build a 1PB (usable) volume on a Fedora or Redhat platform.  The volume (has to be a single volume) will be shared out by NFS.  My considerations in the order of importance are:

Data loss

I am currently considering some less expensive storage arrays using 4TB SAS disks in 5+1 RAID 5 configurations (each array would be responsible for 10 such volumes).  This will give me one level of protection.  Then I'm going to propose a DR site with a full second set of storage.  That will give me a 2nd level of protection.

Now I would like a 3rd level of protection and I thought about using GlusterFS.  If I read it right, it would duplicate the data in a way so that it doesn't reside in a single place. 

So, has anyone used Gluster?  Does anyone have any other suggestions that might work for a situation like this?  All options are currently on the table so it's play time!  :)




You might want to take a look at ceph:



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