Hi all,

I have a laptop with FC5 and wanted to use it as my smtp server and also wanted to receive my logwatch reports each day.
the problem is that because all the battle against spam my laptop is no accepted almos anywhere so i start to configure my sendmail server to use an externet smtp server.

I followed this steps
Step 4: add to your sendmail.mc in /etc:

    FEATURE(`authinfo', `hash /etc/mail/authinfo')
    FEATURE(genericstable, `hash -o /etc/mail/genericstable')dnl

Step 5: copy the entire sendmail build subdirectory sendmail-8-13.2/cf/cf to /usr/share/sendmail-cf/

Step 6: m4 /etc/sendmail.mc > /etc/sendmail.cf

Step 7: add the following lines to the files /etc/mail/access, /etc/mail/authinfo, /etc/mail/genericstable, /etc/mail/genericsdomain

        From:ME at verizon.net              RELAY

        AuthInfo:outgoing.verizon.net "U:ME at verizon.net" "I:<MY_VZ_ACCOUNT>" "P:<MY_VZ_PASSWORD>" "M:LOGIN PLAIN"

        <MY_LOCAL_NAME> ME at verizon.net


Step 8: make the db files:
        makemap hash access.db < access
        makemap hash authinfo.db < authinfo
        makemap hash genericstable.db < genericstable

Step 9: /etc/init.d/sendmail restart

Step 10: test by:

    > sendmail -bv ME at verizon.net
      Notice: -bv may give misleading output for non-privileged user
      ME at verizon.net... deliverable: mailer relay, host outgoing.verizon.net , user ME at verizon.net


step from 1 to 3 are compiling the sendmail server, mine is already compiled even witch sasl support, ok, once i finished this steps i try to send an email from the console using this

mail me@yahoo.com
it worked since i was logged as my user in my laptop

i realized that the emails send by root was not able to go out, and receive a Domain not found error
i tried logged as root
mail me@yahoo.com
with no good results,

this are the logs at my external smtp server using my user and root.
Jul  7 10:01:06 scz postfix/smtpd[16260]: connect from host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[]
Jul  7 10:01:07 scz postfix/smtpd[16260]: setting up TLS connection from host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[]
Jul  7 10:01:07 scz postfix/smtpd[16260]: TLS connection established from host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[]: TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
Jul  7 10:01:11 scz postfix/smtpd[16260]: 3FFBD4D8300: client=host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[], sasl_method=LOGIN, sasl_username=ggarron

after that is all ok, it is the same as if i configure my thunderbird to use that server, with authentication
now loggin as root these are the results.

-----------------------Jul  7 10:04:02 scz postfix/smtpd[16275]: connect from host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[]
Jul  7 10:04:02 scz postfix/smtpd[16275]: setting up TLS connection from host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[]
Jul  7 10:04:03 scz postfix/smtpd[16275]: TLS connection established from host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[]: TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
Jul  7 10:04:06 scz postfix/smtpd[16275]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[]: 450 <root@t30.alketech.com >: Sender address rejected: Domain not found; from=<root@t30.alketech.com> to=<anyuser@yahoo.com> proto=ESMTP helo=< t30.alketech.com>
Jul  7 10:04:07 scz postfix/smtpd[16275]: disconnect from host-65-173-60-214.acelerate.net[]
As you can see now it does not authenticate as my user on that server, and is not uses SASL method, not even trying to login

can anybody help me please?


Guillermo Garron