
Thanks for valuable feedback. My Inbox size is 2GB and now my evolution unable to receive emails. How I increase size of data file from 2 GB to maximum. Can you send me complet steps or how to perform this activity.

Thanks & Regards

Adeel Akbar

On Wed, 2009-07-08 at 10:12 -0400, NoSpaze wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 08.07.2009, 18:25 +0600 schrieb Adeel Akbar:
> Hi, 
> I have used evolution, and i have two queries;
> 1. maximum size of stored data (pst file size in evolution)
> 2. How I join/manage multiple PST's in evolution.
> can anyone help me out.

PST file types are Outlook's. Evolution uses plain text files to store
messages in the same format they are received.

joining: cat mailbox1 mailbox2 > bigmailbox
managing: mutt -f bigmailbox

Rodolfo Alcazar - rodolfo.alcazar@padep.org.bo
otbits.blogspot.com / counter.li.org: #367962
Never trust a computer you can't lift. - Stan Masor